Playback Paper Theatre - a first in Austria
A world's first in using paper for Playback Theatre was achieved yesterday when the students of Vienna International School in Austria began using Paper Theatre in Playback. Our high school workshop began with a Paper Meditation and after some warm-up games, began to tell their own personal stories to the group. These stories were then performed on the stage to their peers and the story teller had the opportunity of interacting directly with the performers, who were all characters, quickly put together using brown paper, representing the actors in the each story. The head of drama of VIS, Mhairi MacInnes commented after the workshop: "I realised how my students opened up on a completely personal level through these stories, which would never normally occur in a classroom environment. The puppet often reflects incidents in our own lives, which have happened and have had a great psychological impact, which can often be resolved or examined through this exciting new medium." See our previos Playback post here!
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