15 July 2005


Over the past few days I have been editing video footage of my work with 'Puppets Against Aids' which I started in 1987, in South Africa, which soon spread internationally. It is so strange seeing footage of oneself, all those years ago, performing in urban and rural communities throughout Africa, Canada, Reunion, France, Australia and even up in the Eastern Arctic with the wonderful Innuit, high above the tree-line in northern Quebec. There was also a video of the huge grey puppets performing live at The Tribute to Freddy Mercury Aids Concert, which was simulcast in Johannesburg and London in 1992. Another through Botswana, right up in the beautiful Okavanga Delta, with our group taken on a makoro trip among the crocdiles and hippos after a performance. Soon I will arrive in the United States for the start of my lecture tour, armed with these fantastic films and a whole bunch of memories!

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