31 August 2015

Producing new online Puppetry Tutorials

A series of new tutorials and workshop films are currently in production for our new website, Puppetry Films. These films, in both the paid and free sections, are being developed by our tutors across the globe to cater to the requests by puppeteers and students who have indicated, in a recent survey that their specifixc interests include: The Fundamentals of Puppetry; Bringing a puppet to life for the first time; Glove puppetry; marionette theatre; directing for the Puppet Theatre; Puppetry for TV construction and Puppetry for TV manipulation and directing. If you are interested by any of the above topics, click here to complete the Puppetry Films survey online.

If you have not yet visited our new website, do so today. We have a new Spotlight featuring the life and work of the German shadow puppetry film animator, Lotte Reiniger here.
If you have any special requests for material that you would like to contribute or be featured, you can contact the editor here!

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