13 October 2011

Last night at the Melbourne TV puppetry workshop

After many weeks of design and building of their television puppets, we have finally begun the performing of the puppet for the camera. The puppeteers in the photo are focused not on their puppets, but on their TV monitors on the floor. The current eight-week introductory TV and Web course has a wonderful young energetic focus on performing for the camera and the importance of this communication tool in our modern web-based world. We've recently been invited to implement a four-week intensive TV training course, in co-production with a local TV channel in Burkina Faso, West Africa next year. Watch this space for future courses in Australia and International on-line courses we're running next year too. If you are interested, drop me an email here!


  1. I love this!

    Amazing film about a puppet show in NYC and depression-era photographer Disfarmer. It's a beautiful film, check it out! http://bit.ly/qryYpf
