8 October 2010

One-day Puppetry Workshop in Melbourne

I am very excited to announce that  Learning-Movement consultant & OT, Sharon Gelber and I will be conducting a one day 'World of Paper' Raw Creativity Workshop in Melbourne on Saturday 16 October from 9am to 5pm.

The workshop will take movement and story telling to the most elaborate ends. Our work using paper puppetry is designed to activate the brain, tantalize the senses to enable creative thought and performance at your peak ability.  This workshop is ideal for teachers, university students, professionals, therapists, creatives and lion tamers.  Places are $150 (all inclusive) and limited so if you are keen to join us, call The Book Affair now to reserve your place: 03-9347.3542   Look forward to having you join us for a wild day!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for our english ...
    We would like to participate in this
    " A world of paper workshop" in Melbourme but we live very,very far away :))))
    We usually follow your blog ...

    From CATALUNYA :
