16 September 2010

One-Day Paper Puppetry Workshop in Sydney

We have has so many requests to conduct our 'World of Paper' workshop in Sydney, that we've decided to do one before we leave on our SE Asia Tour in October. We are happy to offer you a workshop to catalyze your next creative breakthrough.... explode into a space of free flowing ideas and expanded vision! bring you an exhilarating experience into creativity and performance. Activate your brain and tantalize your senses to think and perform at your peak ability. 

This one-day workshop will take place on Sunday 10 October 2010 from 10am to 5pm (with a one-hour lunch break). The cost of the workshop is $150-  (including materials, tea and snacks). To book, please email me ASAP, as we have limited places available. You can see our latest workshops film here!

Here is some of the feedback we've had from our workshops:
"It was just astonishing! It was good to feel that we were in a safe environment that we could trust each other and explore and create... Magical... Absolutely worth the day!"
"I think we all need a chance to relax and to release things, and to explore possibilities with people .... The workshops were extremely valuable not only in their ability to stimulate us creatively, but bring us to a different level of understanding about ourselves and about how we interact with each other."
"It provided an opportunity to tell stories and share parts of ourselves that we never get the opportunity to. All sorts of stereotypes were cracked wide open."

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