4 February 2009

Puppetry News update from Australia

Award-winning Krinkl Theatre from northern New South Wales will be performing their two productions 'Ziggy Swift' and 'Suitcase' at the Capital E Arts festival in New Zealand in March.

Suitcase is an intimate look at the world of a cheeky puppet child and her poor family who travel the world out of a suitcase.
A quick breather, then things take a walk on the wild side with Ziggy Swift, a speedy hip-hop, break-dancing puppet and his two impressive bodyguards.

Begun in 1999, Krinkl Theatre crinkle, wrap and sticky tape newspaper, plastic bags, coloured paper and other discarded objects to create delightful visual images and puppets. Check out the program here if you're planning to be in Wellington!

Erth's production The Nargun and the Stars recently performed as part of the Sydney Festival. Tales from indigenous Australian culture are often passed over in favour of European childrens' stories about elves, fairies, trolls and the like, but with The Nargun and the Stars, visual and physical arts company ERTH is working to encourage in children a greater awareness and love of uniquely Australian mythology. It is wonderful to see a sense of magic in an Australian natural world onstage.

The puppet creations, set design, lighting choices and digital animation are all breathtaking, and combine to give an ethereal, exquisite quality to the work. And alongside the actors onstage, a ensemble of puppeteers work almost unseen onstage with richly textured materials, fine quality of movement, and the element of surprise, to make this a delightfully theatrical experience.
The production is to open soon at the Perth International Arts Festival in Western Australia. Check here for details and here for a short film clip from the production!

Sue Wallace and Steve Coupe at the Sydney Puppet Theatre are creating a new show which they will begin touring in March 09. "The Emperor’s New Beat Box" is an exploration of World Music through story, puppets, song and groove. All the music is played live by the performers and ranges from Gypsy accordion to Balinese gamelan. Puppet styles in the show include rod, hand and shadow. Keep en eye out for their new show!

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