This puppetry for television workshop, lead by Jim Henson- trained master-puppeteer and director, Gary Friedman, is suitable for film makers, puppeteers, performers, and others interested in learning about how puppetry is made for the screen. The course will include design and construction of puppets, manipulation for the camera, developing scenarios for performance, voice, characterisation development and short performances. Participants will develop, perform and direct their short scenarios for a course show-reel.
You can watch a short video of the course right here!
Dates: Eight consecutive Wednesday evenings from 11 June - 30 July
Time: 6.00 to 9.00pm
Cost: $599 plus $100 for materials*
*Early-bird $99 discount for bookings before 30 May 2008, plus extra 5% student discount!
For more info, contact us here!
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