24 April 2008

Puppetry for TV course opens in Sydney

Our 'Puppetry for Film and TV' courses has been launched at the Wesley Institute for the Arts in Sydney, Australia. Last night our new puppetry students began the design and building of their first foam puppets. The eight-week journey takes the student through the process from the initial concept, through to the design and building of the puppet, conceiving short scenarios and performing and directing for the camera. Our courses are run in the evenings and are specifically designed as an introduction to puppetry for television or people interested in exploring this unique creative medium for video, television or the internet. Keep watching this space and we'll keep you posted on the students' performance work!
Another course is planned in June/July 2008. If anyone is interested in participating or more information, then contact me here!

1 comment:

  1. AHAHAHAH! Excellent! This course is a dream of a lifetime. I look forward to it every week!
