16 January 2008

Handspring's puppet horses bedazzle London

The renowned South African Handspring Puppet Company's life size puppet horses are causing great stir at the National Theatre in London. If you went to visit South African puppet designer, performer and sculptor Adrian Kohler early last year in his studio in Cape Town, you could watch him sculpting huge horses out of cane and light wood. It was amaising to watch. These enormous Handspring puppets opened at the National Theatre in London late last year.

With arresting life-sized puppets and a full musical score, Tom Morris's and Marianne Elliott's War Horse explores the "untold story" of the many animals whose role in the First World War is so often overlooked. The production juxtaposes human actors with their puppet counterparts, using a backing video screen to display further images to support the story.

This is a must for any puppeteers travelling to London. You can view a short video of the production here!

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