South Africa at last...
The final leg of the tour has arrived and here I am in Cape Town, South Africa. This is the place of my birth and where I grew up and lived for many years of my life and this is the place I first got beaten up in the streets during the Apartheid era, when I launched my Puns en Doedie (Puppets Against Apartheid) in the early nineteen-eighties. But that was and this is now... Tomorrow I am visiting the District Six Museum in Cape Town, which forms the remnants of the Cape Coloured Community's destroyed housing estate during Apartheid days. In 1966, it was declared a white area and all its inhabitants were relocated to the Cape Flats, out in the distant townships surrounding Cape Town. I am planning to donate my old Puns en Doedie puppets, which are all still in Johannesburg, to the museum, together with a film of the performances in the eighties! So this is where I will be for the next few weeks, to enjoy summer and catch up with the theatre and television scene in this distant part of the galaxy. Will keep you updated!