Kate Wild is looking for Australian Puppeteers! Slightly Imperfect Theatre Company are auditioning to find 5 acts who will be the grand finalists in an adult puppet cabaret competition showing at Bar Me in Darlinghurst from 2-4 and 9-11 December 2005. Acts should be 5-10 minutes long and suitable for stage performance. ALL musical styles welcome, from country music to torch songs. Complete acts and puppets-with-concepts-in-development welcome to audition. Slightly Imperfect are also seeking two puppet judges – aka Statler and Waldorf of The Muppets. Auditions will be held in Surry Hills, Sydney on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th October. For enquiries or further details on audition times and location, contact Jessica Manuel: 0414 741 549 or Kate Wild: 0407 490 176